The software Livestock Feeding Strategies Simulation Models, LIFE-SIM was developed within the Natural Resources Management Division of the International Potato Center (CIP). The objective of the models is to evaluate the effects of different feeding strategies (scenario) on animal performance. Therefore, LIFE-SIM is comprised of four specific models for ruminant animals (Dairy, Beef, Buffalo, and Goat) and one for non-ruminants (Swine); only the general formulae for the ruminant models are described in this document. Each model is dynamic and probabilistic and runs on a daily basis. Consequently, it is necessary to run each feeding strategy or scenario several times to obtain the average response for an animal within a herd or region.The development of LIFE-SIM models was sponsored by the International Potato Center (CIP), and the “System-wide Livestock Program” SLP/International Livestock Research Institute, ILRI. The SLP/ILRI contributions were channeled through the following projects executed by CIP: “Enhancing Crop – Livestock Productivity while Protecting Andean Ecosystem” and “Virtual Laboratory on Systems Analysis in Mixed Crop-Livestock Systems”. The Government of Perú (STC-CGIAR) also contributed in the development of the goat model and its validation through the project “Evaluación de producción y alternativas de manejo de cultivos promisorios en bosque seco y valles de la costa norte del Perú”, as well as the project supported by INIA-Spain “Reducción de la pobreza en los altos Andes a través de la producción, transformación y comercialización de p oductos agropecuarios”.
Click here to learn more about Life-Sim and its applications.

IMPACT – Integrated Modelling Platform for Mixed Animal Crop Systems

IMPACT provides a protocol for collecting essential data to characterize a farming system. This data collection protocol is organised in such way that it describes the flow of resources through all the farming activities and their interactions. Information within IMPACT is organised in eight groups.